Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Inspiration and Jess

So today I took a cruise down the 110 freeway to the city of angels with a friend of mine to check out an art show she told me about. My expectation for the event were blown out the water when we entered the 7th floor studio. Walls decorated with jaw dropping portraits that sparked an immediate fire of inspiration within me. Her paintings, bold, and stunning rested upon the wall side by side each with their own unique presence. With one particular painting instantly capturing my attention. A painting inspired by FKA twigs cover for her  EP  "M3LL155X". Once I saw the painting I immediately gravitated towards it thinking about how I just had to meet the person behind this work, and my instant Rise in inspiration. So as me and my friend walk around the room mesmerized by the works of art we are approached by a charismatic young woman by the name of Jess, who of course just so happened to be the artist behind the art show. She introduced herself, and talked a little bit about some of her pieces she had on display, and then quickly moved on to the in coming visitors. Eventually I got her to the side and told her about my blog and asked her if I could take a couple pictures for a feature, and explained to her how my friend is also an artist. Immediately she became interested, and once she heard the friend I was talking about was Dricasso they instantly clicked, because they followed each other on twitter, and this is where the story gets crazy. So about a week ago I got into the usual twitter scuffle with a couple artists for unintentionally demeaning another artist by comparing my friend Dricasso's work to his, and a few people within the art community had a few choice words for me, but out of it my friend got connected with two of her favorite artists, one of which was the host of the very art show we attended. Besides the immense amount of inspiration I received from just tagging along with a friend for the day I also grew to truly understand that everything happens for a reason. If I hadn't done what I did that day on twitter my friend would've never made the connection, we probably wouldn't have gone to that art show, and I probably wouldn't be here hard at work at 1:12am. So thank you Jess! I don't think you understand just how much you have inspired me! Check out some of her artwork below, and also click the link to her website while you're at it!